Monster Shroud (Fall 2013)
Developed at Carnegie Mellon University as part of CMU Game Creation Society.
Monster Shroud is an experimental game prototype that uses the Kinect and Wiimote to control a character in first person shooter style. Instead of the traditional control scheme using keyboard and mouse or a gamepad, the player controls the character by actually moving his or her body, tracked by Kinect. As this game is purely experimental, there are plenty of things still left to work out, such as accuracy, jitter removal, and movement.
Download Windows Version Here:
-John Choi: Lead Developer, Programmer
-Rhiannon Malia: AI Programmer, Animator
-Anton Pleshakov: Particles, Textures, Title
-Tom Garncarz: Level Designer, Textures
-Daniel Vu: Modeler, textures, UV maps
-Sylvia Kosowski: Modeler, textures, UV maps
-Gordon Estes: Plot scripting
Additional Models from Turbosquid
Sounds from
-Autodesk Maya
-Wii Nunchuk
-Microsoft Kinect
-Laptop PC (Windows 7)
Developed at Carnegie Mellon University as part of CMU Game Creation Society.
Monster Shroud is an experimental game prototype that uses the Kinect and Wiimote to control a character in first person shooter style. Instead of the traditional control scheme using keyboard and mouse or a gamepad, the player controls the character by actually moving his or her body, tracked by Kinect. As this game is purely experimental, there are plenty of things still left to work out, such as accuracy, jitter removal, and movement.
Download Windows Version Here:
-John Choi: Lead Developer, Programmer
-Rhiannon Malia: AI Programmer, Animator
-Anton Pleshakov: Particles, Textures, Title
-Tom Garncarz: Level Designer, Textures
-Daniel Vu: Modeler, textures, UV maps
-Sylvia Kosowski: Modeler, textures, UV maps
-Gordon Estes: Plot scripting
Additional Models from Turbosquid
Sounds from
-Autodesk Maya
-Wii Nunchuk
-Microsoft Kinect
-Laptop PC (Windows 7)