Multipurpose Mobile Manipulator Mk 1-001 / 2015
Short Description:
Build your own DIY giant robot that plays the piano, draws pictures, prepares meals, waters plants, engages in lightsaber duels and more. The Multipurpose Mobile Manipulator is an advanced open-source human-size mobile robotics platform for students, educators, hobbyists, artists and researchers alike. Introduction: Why we made it Features Future Work Special Thanks Quick Links: Jump to Parts and Equipment Jump to Assembly ( Base | Arms | Chest ) Jump to Electronics Jump to Software Jump to Videos Further documentation Official website: Forums: Source: |
Making the robot water plants
The task gives the robot a green thumb, quite literally. The Multipurpose Mobile Manipulator can water houseplants in an indoor environment using a specialized hose adapter that pours water from an upside-down water bottle located on the back of the robot. It searches for houseplants using an ultrasonic rangefinder on the other hand. With enough development, this task can evolve into a full fledged autonomous gardening and farming machine, where the robot monitors, fertilizes, and waters a row of plants over time.
The task gives the robot a green thumb, quite literally. The Multipurpose Mobile Manipulator can water houseplants in an indoor environment using a specialized hose adapter that pours water from an upside-down water bottle located on the back of the robot. It searches for houseplants using an ultrasonic rangefinder on the other hand. With enough development, this task can evolve into a full fledged autonomous gardening and farming machine, where the robot monitors, fertilizes, and waters a row of plants over time.